450+ Crystal Names Ideas – Pick your favorite one

Are you looking for crystal names? Here we have a collection of all orange, blue, purple, and other names of crystals.

A crystal is a shape that is made by the minerals when they become solid. In simple terms, a crystal is a regular arrangement of atoms and ions when the mineral becomes solid. Many people love to keep crystals in their houses.

Crystals are described as a sign of good luck. Crystals are also used to focus and bring calmness to the environment. Many crystals are used as a healing element.

Keeping crystals at home brings peace and makes the environment more positive. Crystals help to cure depression and can also be used to cure insomnia.

Crystals help to release stress and anxiety. Some of the crystals are a great recommendation for houses and they can balance your life. Black tourmaline is the best crystal that you can have for your house. These crystals bring peace and generate positive energy in your house.

How to find the perfect crystal names?

A crystal is something that is loved by many peoples. Some people love dark-colored crystals some love light crystals. To find the perfect name for your crystal you should name your crystal on the basis of its color and other properties.

Some of the tips to find the perfect crystal names are listed below.

  • The color of the crystal is the most important property, you can find a huge variety of colors.
  • If the crystal is a reflective crystal you should name your crystals with some bold names.
  • There are a huge variety of properties of crystals so you can use them to name your crystals.

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Crystal name

 Crystal Name

Crystal differ in a lot of properties, they have hardness, cleavage, heat conductivity, and many more. Some of the great Crystal names are listed below.

Agate Quartz Amber
Alexandrite Serpentine Amethyst
Amazonite Topaz Beryl
Flint Opal Citrine
Jasper Pearl Crystal
Jett Ruby Diamond
Kyanite Sapphire Emerald
Mica / Micah Sphene Garnet
Obsidian Turquoise
Jacinda / Jacinth
Onyx Lennon Jade
Pyrite Lilith Jewel


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Green crystal names

Green crystal names

As is told you that the major crystal difference is because of its color. There are a huge variety of crystal colors . Some of the Green crystal names are listed below.

Jade Emerald Chrome Sphene
Verdelite and Chrome Tourmaline Peridot Ekanite
Green Garnets: Tsavorite and Demantoid Chrome Diopside Hiddenite
Bloodstone Moldavite Gaspeite
Green Diamond Turquoise
Seraphinite (Clinochlore)
Maw Sit Sit Sunstone and Oregon Sunstone
Idocrase (Vesuvianite)
Green Chrysoberyl Zoisite Aventurine
Chrysoprase Malachite Prehnite
Prasiolite Green Zircon Green Apatite
Green Sapphire Serpentine Variscite


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Black crystal names

Black crystal names

Black crystals are mostly preferred for households. Some of the best black crystal names are listed below you must check out.

Black Onyx. Agate Pearl
Black Opal. Cat’s Eye Scapolites
rutilated quartz
Black Pearl. Diamond Sapphire
Black Spinel. Jade spinel
Black Tourmaline. Melanite Star diopside
Blizzard Stone. jet Star garnet
Obsidian. Obsidian Tourmaline
Schorl Tourmaline. Onyx Hematite
Amethyst Opal Andradite


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Blue crystal names

Blue crystal names

The blue crystal is used as a representation of communication and clarity. Some of the best blue crystal names are listed below.

Sapphire. Blue Sapphire
Tourmaline (Indicolite and Paraíba)
Blue diamond stone
Aquamarine. Tanzanite
Spinel. Blue Topaz
Turquoise. Opal
Blue Diamond. Grandidierite
Blue Akoya Pearls
Jeremejevite. Labradorite


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Orange crystal names

Orange crystal names

Orange crystals help with food allergies and also take care of other food eating disorders. Some of the best orange crystal names are listed below.

Garfield Archie Apricot
Ginger Blaze
Marmalade Butternut
Nacho Butters Carrot
Phoenix Caramel Citrus
Pumpkin Cheddar
Rusty Cheetah Curry
Saffron Cheeto Guava
Sunny Ember Jellybean
Tang Flame Julius
Tiger Fox Maple


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Purple crystal names

Purple crystal names

Purple crystals are best for enhancing the immune system and also help in reducing stress and anxiety. Some of the best purple crystal names are listed below.

Hyacinth. Lolanthe Burgundy
Indigo. Tupaarnaq Hermona
Phoenix. Violette Iolanthe
Porfirio. Yolande Violeta
Slate. Sigal Viole
Viorel. Violet Hyacinth
Amethyst. Silvia Iris
Fuchsia. Ibolya Evolet
Fialova Jolantha Amethyst
Viola Yolonda Kovidar


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Light blue crystal names

Light blue crystal names

The blue crystal is used as a representation of communication and clarity. Some of the best blue crystal names are listed below.

Capri Ella Doli
Blueberry Myst Luster
Dory Rain Topaz
Beryl Etta Blue Belle
Winter Periwinkle Viole
Iris Umbra Polaris
Merle Pollia Bonnet
Ocean Sky Atasi
Livia Rosita Joy
Peacock Sapphire Cobalt
Blue Powder Demin
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White crystal names

White crystal names

White crystals help to reduce and remove toxicity. They are represented as a signal of purity and love. Some of the best white crystal names are listed below.

Eeyore Indigo Cenzio
Moody River Anchovy
Steely Genie Ash
Vapor Andorian Blade
Memphis Grover Coal
Yale Smurf Carbon
Wraith Sulley Cloudy
Lapis Teal Plata
Royal Murk Luna
Dudley Cyan Silver


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Yellow crystal names

Yellow crystal names

Yellow crystals are a symbol of positive energy. They help to spread positivity in your house. Som of the best yellow crystal names is listed below.

Bullet Grigio Viole
Gris Earl Grey Polaris
Dumbo Pebbles Bonnet
Gin Grey Atasi
Casper Oyster Joy
Sterling Grizzly Cobalt
Tinsel Inky Demin
Slate Saber Levi
Flint Koala Midnight


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Brown crystal names

Brown crystal names

Brown crystals help to boost the mental health of a person, they also help to boost our health. Some of the best brown crystal names are listed below.

Penny Kona Aspen
Coco (a) Hazel Foxy
Ginger Winnie Summer
Pepper Peanut Sunny
Cookie Chewy Guinness
Honey Sandy Amber
Bruno (brown bear) Mocha Nugget
Moose Pebbles Sierra
Dusty Peaches Cinnamon
Bean (Beans) Brandy Reese


Grey crystal names

Grey crystal names

Grey crystals help to reduce and remove toxicity. They are represented as a signal of purity and love. Some of the best grey crystal names are listed below.

Eeyore Indigo Cenzio
Moody River Anchovy
Steely Genie Ash
Vapor Andorian Blade
Memphis Grover Coal
Yale Smurf Carbon
Wraith Sulley Cloudy
Lapis Teal Plata
Royal Murk Luna
Dudley Cyan Silver


Crystal names for girls

Crystal names for girls

Crystal names are best for everyone, you can give them to your daughters. Some of the best crystal names for girls are listed below.

Agate Diamond Nevada
Akiko Ebony Onyx
Amber Elazul Opal
Amethyst Emerald Pearl
Aquamarine Esmeralda Peridot
Beryl Flint Rosaline
Bijou Garnet Rubin
Citrine Goldie Ruby
Coral Granite Saphir
Crystal Ivory Sapphire


Red Crystal names

Red Crystal names

Red crystal helps to increase physical strength. They can also help in developing a person’s personality. Some of the best red crystal names are listed below.

Pumpkin Oakley Taffy
Snickers Biscuit Waffles
Bear Goldie Bourbon
Brownie Kahlua Timber
Tootsie Cupcake Mango
Autumn Ember Sienna
Cadbury Whiskey Java
Muffin Freckles Nutmeg
Mochi Copper Truffles
Maple Canela Caramel


Pink crystal names

Pink crystal names

Pink crystals are good for the heart and help to keep control of heart rate. Some of the best pink crystal names are listed below.

Imperial Topaz. Coral Agate
Kunzite. Crystal Akiko
Morganite. Viole Amber
Pink Fluorite. Polaris Amethyst
Pink Morganite. Bonnet Aquamarine
Pink Opal. Atasi Beryl
Pink Sapphire. Joy Bijou
Pink Spinel. Cobalt Citrine
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Pretty crystal names

Pretty crystal names

Crystals help to reduce stress, and anxiety and also bring calmness to the environment. Some of the pretty crystal names are listed below.

Agate Quartz Amber
Alexandrite Serpentine Amethyst
Amazonite Topaz Beryl
Flint Opal Citrine
Jasper Pearl Crystal
Jett Ruby Diamond
Kyanite Sapphire Emerald
Mica / Micah Sphene Garnet
Obsidian Turquoise
Jacinda / Jacinth
Onyx Lennon Jade
Pyrite Lilith Jewel


Light green crystal names

Light green crystal names

Green crystal helps in healing and also helps in boosting our hearts. Emerald is the most famous green crystal. Some of the best light green crystal names are listed below.

Berlin Emerald Irati
Beryl Esme Irving
Bradshaw Esmeralda Jade
Calhoun Fern Kelly
Celadon Forest Kirrily
Chartreuse Giada Laramie
Chloe Greenlee Laurel
Cyan Hadassah Lauren
Daphne Hunter Liko
Denver India Makala


Clear crystal names

Clear crystal names

Clear crystal helps balance the environment. It is also good for healing wounds. Some of the clear crystal names are listed below.

Midori Phyllida Sylvia
Mirtha Phyllis Tauriel
Moss Phylon Teal
Myrtle Pine Vardon
Olive Pinja Verde
Oran Roscoe Verdi
Orna Sea Veridian
Panera Seagreen Vermont
Paris Silas Viridiana
Peridot Sirkka Viridis


Healing crystal names

Healing crystal names

There are a lot of healing crystals. Healing crystals are mostly clear. Some of the best healing crystal names are listed below.

Agate Diamond Nevada
Akiko Ebony Onyx
Amber Elazul Opal
Amethyst Emerald Pearl
Aquamarine Esmeralda Peridot
Beryl Flint Rosaline
Bijou Garnet Rubin
Citrine Goldie Ruby
Coral Granite Saphir
Crystal Ivory Sapphire


Crystal names for cats

Crystal names for cats

Cats love playing with small crystals. After exploring various colors of crystals it is time for some of the crystal names for cats.

Taffy Leo Jupiter
Waffles Gemini April
Bourbon Aquarius Pluto
Timber Gemma Sunny
Mango Venus October
Sienna Aries Nemo
Java June Billy
Nutmeg Mercury Pan
Truffles May Saturn
Caramel Neptune August


Crystal names for dogs

Crystal names for dogs

After some of the crystal names for cats, let us take a look at some of the best crystal names for dogs. Some of the crystal names for dogs are listed below.

Andromeda Aurora Aslan
Centauri Moonbeam Bran
Orion Lune Blaise
Luna Comet Melisandre
Star Nebula Bagheera
Draco Umbra Pippin
Vega Nova Bane
Altair Moonlight Dinah
Astro Stardust Cheshire
Orbit Celeste Ursula