450+ Gangster Girl Names that are Good,Cool and Funny

Welcome to our extensive list of 400+ Gangster Girl Names – a collection that embraces the powerful and feisty essence of femme fatales in the underworld. These names exude an air of confidence, strength, and independence, capturing the spirit of tough and daring women who stand their ground and leave an unforgettable mark on history. Whether you are a writer in search of the perfect character name or a parent seeking a unique and edgy name for your daughter, you are in the right place.

Each name on this list has been carefully curated to showcase a diverse range of influences, from notorious female criminals and gang leaders to iconic characters from books, movies, and popular culture. We have gathered names that are both classic and timeless, along with those that reflect the modern era, ensuring there is an option for everyone’s taste and style.

These gangster girl names capture the essence of strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and cunning – qualities admired in both the fictional and real world. Be prepared to encounter names that are both alluring and dangerous, leaving a lasting impression wherever they are heard.

Aesthetic Gangster Girl Names

  1. KyLeigh
  2. NyX
  3. Xyra
  4. Karma
  5. Luxe
  6. Phoenix
  7. Vixen
  8. Chaos
  9. Emberlyn
  10. St0rm
  11. Sc3n3
  12. R@ven
  13. Shadow
  14. Nyxie
  15. Rogue
  16. H@ze
  17. Lola
  18. Aurora
  19. Brix
  20. Khaleesi
  21. Nightshade
  22. Crimson
  23. Scarlette
  24. Bl0xx
  25. Gunz
  26. Jinx

Baddie Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlett Sxarlett
  2. Raven R@v3n
  3. Sapphire S@pphir3
  4. Luna Lun@
  5. Phoenix Ph0en1x
  6. Viper V!p3r
  7. Electra 3l3ctr@
  8. Silver S!lver
  9. Mystique Myst1qu3
  10. Harley H@rl3y
  11. Valentina V@l3ntin@
  12. Blaze Bl@z3
  13. Amethyst Am3thyst
  14. Nightshade N1ghtsh@d3
  15. Rogue R0gu3
  16. Shadow Sh@d0w
  17. Venus V3nus
  18. Sinister S1n1st3r
  19. Jade J@d3
  20. Diamond D!@m0nd
  21. Scarlet Sc@rl3t
  22. Nova N0v@
  23. Storm St0rm
  24. Echo 3ch0
  25. Sabrina S@brin@

Best Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlett Scarface Russo
  2. Isabella Black Widow Vargas
  3. Valentina Viper Moretti
  4. Sophia Slyfox Santoro
  5. Gabriella Gunslinger Rossi
  6. Aurora Siren Lombardi
  7. Violet Velvet Mancini
  8. Stella Shadow Rizzo
  9. Luna Lethal Marino
  10. Mila Merciless Conti
  11. Sabrina Silent Killer Greco
  12. Natalia Noir Esposito
  13. Bianca Butterfly De Luca
  14. Gianna Ghost Giordano
  15. Alina Assassin Lombardo
  16. Francesca Femme Fatale Ferri
  17. Amara Raven Romano
  18. Selena Scarlet Caruso
  19. Giovanna Tigress Marino
  20. Aria Phoenix Romano
  21. Miranda Mafia Queen Rossetti
  22. Anastasia Venom Vitali
  23. Valeria Vengeance Russo
  24. Serena Savage Silvestri
  25. Angelina Anarchy Amato
  26. Liliana Luna Negra Napolitano
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Catchy Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarle††e
  2. Vixen
  3. Queenpin
  4. Blackwidow
  5. Rogue
  6. Jade Mafia
  7. Killerbea$†
  8. Femme Fatale
  9. Blaze
  10. Miss Havoc
  11. LethalLady
  12. SinisterSiren
  13. Shadowstrike
  14. Des†ru¢†ress
  15. GunpowderGirl
  16. BloodRose
  17. SavageBeauty
  18. RuthlessRaven
  19. PistolDame
  20. ViperVenom
  21. GangstaGoddess
  22. FatalFury
  23. Sly₪ess
  24. Madame Mayhem
  25. RiotGrrrl
  26. Hellcat

Chill Gangster Girl Names

  1. Raven Shadowblaze Blackwood
  2. Sapphire Icequeen Rodriguez
  3. Luna Silentstrike Moretti
  4. Scarlett Viperrose Diaz
  5. Phoenix Wildfire Costa
  6. Jade Stealthfury Montero
  7. Ivy Blackwidow Delgado
  8. Aurora Frostbite Mancini
  9. Harley Triggerhappy Bianchi
  10. Amethyst Nightshade Rossi
  11. Electra Thunderstrike Marino
  12. Valentina Daggerheart Esposito
  13. Tempest Riotgirl Serrano
  14. Blaze Hellcat Ferrara
  15. Storm Mercurial Lombardi
  16. Rogue Serpentshadow Russo
  17. Lilith Sinisterangel Santoro
  18. Scarlet Vixenviper Bellini
  19. Nova Blazestorm Colombo
  20. Violet Blackkitten De Luca
  21. Keira Shadowphoenix Ricci
  22. Zara Sleekassassin Caruso
  23. Gemma Poisonlotus Martino
  24. Evelyn Nightmare Rossetti
  25. Aria Moonstone Fontana
  26. Sienna Steelrose Rizzo

Classy Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet Sçarlet
  2. Vivienne Vîvienne
  3. Giselle Gisξlle
  4. Aurora Λurora
  5. Maxine Mäxine
  6. Isabella Îsabella
  7. Nicolette Nîcolette
  8. Seraphina Sēraphina
  9. Emmaline Έmmaline
  10. Valentina Välentina
  11. Amara Ämara
  12. Aurelia Δurelia
  13. Ophelia Øphelia
  14. Bianca Βianca
  15. Catarina Cätarina
  16. Natalia Nätalia
  17. Delilah Dēlilah
  18. Veronica Vêronica
  19. Gemma Gẽmma
  20. Valeria Välëria
  21. Aleksandra Àleksandra
  22. Arabella Λrabella
  23. Sophia Søphia
  24. Liliana Lîliana
  25. Genevieve Gënëviëve
  26. Isadora Ïsadora

Cool Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet V4nqu1sh3r
  2. Raven Nyx
  3. Angelique S1r3n
  4. Violet B11tz
  5. Isabella Cru3lty
  6. Sophia F1r3w0rkz
  7. Alexandra V3ng3ance
  8. Madison N1ghtshad0w
  9. Olivia Fatali7y
  10. Emily R3v0lt
  11. Ava Bl4ckwid0w
  12. Emma S1lkstr3am
  13. Samantha V1p3r
  14. Abigail W1tchcraft
  15. Elizabeth D3adly D0ll
  16. Victoria Bulletbabe
  17. Grace D3m0liti0n
  18. Natalie S7ylist
  19. Chloe Sh4k3down
  20. Emily R0gue
  21. Zoe Venom
  22. Avery N1tr0
  23. Skyler Gunnings
  24. Hailey Carbona7e
  25. Savannah Ripkn1fe
  26. Brooklyn Qu33npin

Creative Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet Scarface Malone
  2. Isabella The Viper Russo
  3. Ashlyn Blade Maiden Quinlan
  4. Serenity Silent Fury Martinez
  5. Dahlia Dark Angel Moretti
  6. Phoenix Hellfire Chavez
  7. Raven Shadow Dancer Rosario
  8. Sierra Lethal Beauty Marino
  9. Harlow Gangsta Princess Costa
  10. Athena Steel Orchid DaSilva
  11. Valeria Black Widow Santoro
  12. Carmen Dangerous Doll Rosales
  13. Giselle Scarlet Siren Barbosa
  14. Natalia The Enforcer Riva
  15. Karina Femme Fatale Delgado
  16. Jade Bulletproof Vasquez
  17. Amara Violent Vixen Gomez
  18. Sage Ruthless Rogue Pacheco
  19. Violet Street Queen Rivera
  20. Luna Shady Lady Costa
  21. Esmeralda Vengeful Viper Santiago
  22. Brianna Deadly Diva Herrera
  23. Zara Angel of Death Silva
  24. Alexa The Merciless Lozano
  25. Stella Fearless Feline Ponce
  26. Aria Danger Darling Cabrera

Creepy Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet Blood
  2. Raven Blackheart
  3. Viola Noire
  4. Marceline Venom
  5. Lilith Vixen
  6. Morgana Shadows
  7. Isabella Hex
  8. Seraphina Nightshade
  9. Sylvia Thorn
  10. Nyx Sable
  11. Zara Mortis
  12. Bianca Morpheus
  13. Valentina Graves
  14. Aurora Deathmask
  15. Ophelia Fury
  16. Cassandra Eclipse
  17. Evelyn Venomous
  18. Amara Haze
  19. Delphine Sinister
  20. Luna Banshee
  21. Gwendolyn Crimson
  22. Minerva Wraith
  23. Veronica Carnage
  24. Sabrina Misery
  25. Delilah Deviant
  26. Celeste Dread

Cute Gangster Girl Names

  1. Angel Sm@ckdown
  2. Scarlett Slick Siren
  3. Bullet Bella
  4. Kitten Killah Cuffs
  5. Sweetie Sicario Belle
  6. Blaze Babyface Bandit
  7. Miss Dynamite
  8. Duchess Deathwish Daze
  9. Honey Badger
  10. Vixen Vendetta Valentine
  11. Glamour Glock Girl
  12. Shady Strawberry Shortcake
  13. Miss Blissful and Deadly
  14. Spice Sniper Sparkles
  15. Pistol Pixie
  16. Cherry Crime Queen Coke
  17. Sugar Schemer Skull
  18. Jade Joker Juggernaut
  19. Rose Riot Rascal
  20. Pepper Punisher Pizzazz
  21. Crimson Cutthroat Chica
  22. Lucky Lethal Lucy
  23. Storm Shadow Starr
  24. Blitz Bombshell Belle
  25. Karma Knuckles Kween
  26. Harley Havoc Heartbreaker

Edgy Gangster Girl Names

  1. MystiqueVixen
  2. RavensGambit
  3. BulletQueen
  4. ScarletSerpent
  5. VendettaVixen
  6. SinisterSiren
  7. NyxNightshade
  8. ShadowEnigma
  9. ElectraLethal
  10. KillerKitten
  11. BlackWidow
  12. BladeMistress
  13. FemmeFatale
  14. PhoenixFury
  15. ChaosChick
  16. DaggerDiva
  17. SavageSeductress
  18. VenomousVixen
  19. GrimReaperess
  20. PsychoSorceress
  21. RogueRaptor
  22. SkullCrusher
  23. RebelReign
  24. ViperVixen
  25. SniperSiren
  26. WickedWitch

Female Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlett Sly Malone
  2. Nova Viper DeLuca
  3. Lola Raven Rossi
  4. Sierra Shadow Valenti
  5. Gemma Wraith Santoro
  6. Violet Ace Moretti
  7. Nina Lethal Ricci
  8. Lexi Scarface Marino
  9. Riley Vixen Delaney
  10. Harper Jinx Lombardi
  11. Phoenix Siren Costa
  12. Ivy Venom Martino
  13. Amara Banshee De Luca
  14. Sasha Ghost Romano
  15. Ember Fury Bianchi
  16. Eva Bullet Lombardi
  17. Ophelia Riot Santoro
  18. Mia Volatile Moretti
  19. Ariel Vendetta Valentino
  20. Lucia Ravage Del Vecchio
  21. Isabella Ripper Ricci
  22. Gwen Hellcat Martini
  23. Zara Savage Costello
  24. Aria Razor Ferretti
  25. Celeste Talon Lombardo
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Funny Gangster Girl Names

  1. Lola Bluntz Capone
  2. Vinny Flamingo Zuccarello
  3. Ruby Sassy Scarface
  4. Moxie Jazzy Malone
  5. Jade Fierce Gambino
  6. Angel Giggles Delvecchio
  7. Kiki Knuckles Valentino
  8. Nina Boombox Bianchi
  9. Hazel Crazy Eyes Santoro
  10. Penny Pinstripes Romano
  11. Sylvia Slick Chick Falcone
  12. Coco Hustle Mangano
  13. Nikki Chatterbox Lombardi
  14. Scarlett Trigger Happy Caputo
  15. Roxy Dynamite Martino
  16. Gigi Zigzag Marino
  17. Poppy Wicked Grin Mazza
  18. Lexi Hotshot Graziano
  19. Bella Lethal Lips Moretti
  20. Misty Chaos Rizzo
  21. Zara Dizzy Dukes Potenza
  22. Frankie Gold Digger Caruso
  23. Penelope Purrfect Crime Gallo
  24. Maggie Cocky Cool De Luca
  25. Olive Bada Bing Lombardo
  26. Vera Butterfinger Vitale

Gangster Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet Vixen
  2. Ruby Racketeer
  3. Sophia Slick Serpentine
  4. Isabella Ice Queen Inferno
  5. Ava The Assassin Alvarez
  6. Mia Madam Moneybags Maroni
  7. Olivia The Orchid O’Reilly
  8. Emily The Enforcer Eastwood
  9. Amelia Anarchy Capone
  10. Charlotte Chaos Corleone
  11. Chloe The Chameleon Cosa Nostra
  12. Ella Eternal Enigma Escobar
  13. Harper Hellfire Harper
  14. Abigail The Black Widow Bonanno
  15. Elizabeth The Empress Esposito
  16. Sophie The Siren Santoro
  17. Grace The Grifter Gambino
  18. Lily Lethal Lips Lucchese
  19. Luna The Lynx Lombardi
  20. Violet The Viper Valenti
  21. Stella Scorpion Queen Soprano
  22. Paisley The Punisher Pesci
  23. Nora Nail ‘Em Napolitano
  24. Scarlett Switchblade Sinatra
  25. Penelope Pistolera Petrillo
  26. Madison Mafia Mistress Mancini

Good Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlet Vixen
  2. Roxy Rapture
  3. Ivy Noir
  4. Viper Vendetta
  5. Sasha Siren
  6. Lola Nighthawk
  7. Phoenix Fury
  8. Harley Havoc
  9. Raven Rogue
  10. Nyx Nightshade
  11. Marcela Moxie Cruz
  12. Carmen Chaos Delgado
  13. Valentina Vixen Martinez
  14. Serena Shadow Russo
  15. Bianca Bullet Lombardi
  16. Gemma Grimm Rosetti
  17. Isabella Ice De Luca
  18. Azura Athena Moretti
  19. Sierra Scarface Costa
  20. Natalia Nostra Santoro
  21. Valeria Vicious Moretti
  22. Angelina Ace Ricci
  23. Giovanna Gunslinger Gallo
  24. Francesca Femme Fatale Caruso
  25. Alessandra Ammo Catania
  26. Giuliana Gangsta Goddess Rizzo

Great Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlett Slick de Luca
  2. Violet Vixen Moretti
  3. Raven Razor Marino
  4. Jade Jinx Lombardi
  5. Sienna Shadow Costa
  6. Lilith Lethal Romano
  7. Sophia Scarface Martini
  8. Isabella Ice Queen Santoro
  9. Gia Gunslinger Rizzo
  10. Angelica Assassin Russo
  11. Natalia Noir Valentino
  12. Bianca Bulletproof Falcone
  13. Gemma Gambler Barbieri
  14. Valentina Viper Ricci
  15. Aurelia Arson DeSantis
  16. Adriana Ace Monteleone
  17. Caprice Cobra Gallo
  18. Monica Mafia Princess Lombardi
  19. Lucia Lucky Fiorello
  20. Francesca Femme Fatale Amato
  21. Gloria Gangsta Goddess Bellini
  22. Veronica Vengeance Abate
  23. Amara Anarchy Caruso
  24. Viola Volatile Marino
  25. Carmela Chaos DeLuca

Grunge Gangster Girl Names

  1. Scarlett Noir
  2. Raven Hex
  3. Luna Chaos
  4. Violet Vixen
  5. Echo Blade
  6. Stormy Tempest
  7. Harley Havok
  8. Sapphire Savage
  9. Phoenix Fury
  10. Nyx Nightshade
  11. Mystique Graves
  12. Rogue Rebel
  13. Ashen Shadow
  14. Jade Jaguar
  15. Scarlet Bloodrose
  16. Onyx Obsidian
  17. Ruby Rapture
  18. Vega Valkyrie
  19. Wren Ravenheart
  20. Amber Assassin
  21. Ivy Inferno
  22. Blaze Banshee
  23. Skyler Slaughter
  24. Winter Wolfbane
  25. Azure Apocalypse
  26. Rogue Renegade

Male Gangster Girl Names

  1. Johnny The Snake Delgado
  2. Vinnie Scarface Marino
  3. Frankie Knuckles Lombardi
  4. Joey Two-Face Romano
  5. Tony The Butcher Russo
  6. Salvatore Sledgehammer Falcone
  7. Marco The Hammer Moretti
  8. Louis Black Widow DeLuca
  9. Mikey Mad Dog Caruso
  10. Giovanni The Ghost Rosetti
  11. Angelo Blackjack Santoro
  12. Dominic The Bull Ricci
  13. Enzo The Enforcer Martini
  14. Antonio The Dagger Valentino
  15. Giuseppe The Reaper Mancini
  16. Vito The Shadow DeSantis
  17. Fernando The Viper Costa
  18. Nico The Falcon Falcone
  19. Rocco The Razor Rizzo
  20. Gino The Snake Russo
  21. Luca The Beast Barbaro
  22. Marcello The Machine Lombardi
  23. Ricardo The Bullseye Bianchi
  24. Leo The Hitman Vitale
  25. Dante The Don Romano
  26. Andrea The Axe DiMarco
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Mythical Gangster Girl Names

  1. Seraphina Scarface LaCroix
  2. Raven Viper Blackwood
  3. Isabella Siren Marino
  4. Aurora Fury Santiago
  5. Nyx Shadow Lancaster
  6. Luna Jade Moretti
  7. Freya Valkyrie Giordano
  8. Phoenix Blaze De Luca
  9. Sasha Rogue Fontana
  10. Delilah Vixen Marconi
  11. Harmony Havoc Russo
  12. Evanna Venom Rinaldi
  13. Violet Fox Corleone
  14. Elara Hellion Martino
  15. Astrid Nocturne Colombo
  16. Mirabelle Smoke Falcone
  17. Cerelia Crusader Conti
  18. Sabrina Silencer Lombardi
  19. Gabriella Enchantress Valentino
  20. Ophelia Mystique De Santis
  21. Maya Frostbite Ricci
  22. Allegra Nightshade De Benedetto
  23. Serena Silver Esposito
  24. Calypso Voodoo Lombardo
  25. Sapphire Tempest Fortunato
  26. Selene Moonstruck Caruso

New Gangster Girl Names

  1. Mystique
  2. Vixen
  3. Rogue
  4. Scarlett
  5. Phoenix
  6. Shadow
  7. Siren
  8. Fatal
  9. Bullet
  10. Hellcat
  11. Delilah
  12. Nyx
  13. Viper
  14. Harlowe
  15. Sinister
  16. Raven
  17. Jinx
  18. Reaper
  19. Desire
  20. Fury
  21. Killer
  22. She-Devil
  23. Queenpin
  24. Magdalene
  25. Banshee
  26. Savage

One Word Gangster Girl Names

  1. Sapphire
  2. Scarlett
  3. Vixen
  4. Rogue
  5. Fury
  6. Raven
  7. Serenade
  8. Jinx
  9. Shadow
  10. Nova
  11. Viper
  12. Mystique
  13. Phoenix
  14. Electra
  15. Harmony
  16. Ember
  17. Luna
  18. Stella
  19. Blaze
  20. Femme Fatale
  21. Vendetta
  22. Scarletta
  23. Nyx
  24. Echo
  25. Indigo
  26. Tempest

Gangster Girl Names FAQs

Q: How can I choose a unique and powerful gangster girl name with a distinctive flair?

A: When selecting a gangster girl name, consider combining strong, edgy words or references that resonate with your desired persona. Think about elements like attitude, style, or cultural influences that align with the image you want to portray. This can result in a name that exudes strength and uniqueness, setting you apart with a distinctive flair.

Q: Are there any cultural or historical inspirations I can draw from when creating a gangster girl name?

A: Absolutely. Gangster girl names often draw inspiration from various cultures, historical figures, or fictional characters associated with strength and boldness. You can explore names that reflect the spirit of famous female outlaws, iconic movie characters, or historical figures known for their resilience and determination, adding depth and character to your chosen gangster name.

Q: Is there a recommended approach to ensure my gangster girl name strikes the right balance between toughness and uniqueness?

A: Balancing toughness and uniqueness in a gangster girl name involves considering the impact and memorability of the name. Experiment with word combinations, use alliteration or subtle references to your interests, and ensure the name aligns with your personality. Testing the name with friends or associates can provide valuable feedback to ensure your chosen gangster girl name strikes the right balance for the image you want to project.