450+ Orc names Ideas – Pick Your Favorite One

Welcome to our comprehensive list of over 400 Half-Orc names! If you’re in need of the perfect name for your Half-Orc character in a game, story, or any other creative endeavor, you’ve come to the right place. Half-Orcs are a unique and fascinating race, known for their strength, resilience, and often their dual heritage. Whether you’re searching for a name that reflects their human side, their Orc lineage, or a blend of both, we’re here to provide you with a wide array of options to suit your needs.

Creating a memorable and fitting name for your Half-Orc character is an essential part of bringing them to life. It’s an opportunity to convey their heritage, personality traits, and story in just a few carefully chosen syllables. In this list, you’ll find names that span a range of origins, including traditional Orcish names, human names, and unique combinations that blend the two.

Our compilation of Half-Orc names is designed to inspire you and help you find the perfect moniker for your character. Whether you’re looking for a name that exudes strength and ferocity or one that highlights their more compassionate side, we’ve got you covered. With over 400 options to choose from, ranging from short and punchy names to longer, more elaborate ones, we’re confident you’ll discover the ideal name that resonates with your character’s identity and backstory.

Aesthetic Half-Orc names

  1. Ashkaraaz
  2. Bloodthorn
  3. Grimshadow
  4. Thraxxane
  5. Razornight
  6. Xul’Garak
  7. Fellgaze
  8. Darkheart
  9. Skarzul
  10. Sylvariak
  11. Goresmash
  12. Bladefang
  13. Riftfire
  14. Vex’Grom
  15. Helskor
  16. Stormsplitter
  17. Nightbloom
  18. Bloodrider
  19. Dreadaxe
  20. Skullcrusher
  21. Fangblade
  22. Grimbolt
  23. Zyndara
  24. Blackthorn
  25. Deathbringer
  26. Skullsplitter
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Baddie Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmok Bloodfang
  2. Azrog Deathbringer
  3. Thokk Skullcrusher
  4. Zarok the Ravager
  5. Drakka Ironhide
  6. Grommash Bonecrusher
  7. Morg Ironheart
  8. Skylar the Savage
  9. Razak the Ruthless
  10. Dragar the Destroyer
  11. Gorrok Bloodaxe
  12. Vexx the Vicious
  13. Thulgrim Daggerfist
  14. Karok the Merciless
  15. Gruk the Gruesome
  16. Skar the Shadowblade
  17. Grashnuk the Goregut
  18. Drekka Blackheart
  19. Rokar the Reaver
  20. Thornak the Terrifying
  21. Grokk the Grim
  22. Nazak Shadowstrike
  23. Dargok the Dreadnought
  24. Brokka the Breaker
  25. Zog Earthshaker
  26. Drazek the Devourer

Best Half-Orc names

  1. Garrok
  2. Brutusk
  3. Thrax
  4. Grimm
  5. Azog
  6. Vorag
  7. Skar
  8. Grak
  9. Zug
  10. Drakor
  11. Skarn
  12. Brax
  13. Harg
  14. Gronk
  15. Krog
  16. Morgh
  17. Thruk
  18. Dorg
  19. Urgrak
  20. Phrakk
  21. Zarn
  22. Bragh
  23. Skullgrim
  24. Argoth
  25. Zogar
  26. Ravok

Catchy Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmjaw
  2. Skarrok
  3. Thrax
  4. Bloodfang
  5. Ragnorak
  6. Gorehammer
  7. Lok’tar
  8. Havoc
  9. Dreadblade
  10. Skullcrusher
  11. Blackthorn
  12. Ironhide
  13. Grommash
  14. Brutok
  15. Felblade
  16. Tuskbreaker
  17. Darkmaw
  18. Thornspike
  19. Gloomfist
  20. Stonecleaver
  21. Bloodtusk
  22. Razorfang
  23. Skullsplitter
  24. Cragsmash
  25. Blackiron
  26. Brutefang

Chill Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmäsh
  2. Skrüth
  3. Vörath
  4. Throkz
  5. Gräg
  6. Bälrok
  7. Nõk
  8. Flïnt
  9. Rägnar
  10. Blïtz
  11. Gromm
  12. Ürzak
  13. Thräsh
  14. Zug
  15. Brûk
  16. Dûrg
  17. Krõsh
  18. Glûm
  19. Shädow
  20. Rïpjaw
  21. Splïnter
  22. Skrïll
  23. Snarl
  24. Drûgg
  25. Blüdgeon
  26. Gnäsh

Classy Half-Orc names

  1. Azgarûk
  2. Vorag
  3. Dur’gosh
  4. Tharzur
  5. Grommok
  6. Saarthok
  7. Drakaar
  8. Agrakh
  9. Gorzthak
  10. Urukai
  11. Zaggrath
  12. Bolgrash
  13. Grimrock
  14. Skarnok
  15. Karghul
  16. Morgrath
  17. Razgron
  18. Skullcrusher
  19. Throk’gar
  20. Graghul
  21. Narzok
  22. Grimgor
  23. Druzhok
  24. Rargan
  25. Bruggrun
  26. Glokthar

Cool Half-Orc names

  1. Grommash
  2. Skaar
  3. Azog
  4. Throk
  5. Drakka
  6. Skalgrim
  7. Ragnok
  8. Gorgrim
  9. Thralgash
  10. Urzag
  11. Skar’rok
  12. Brugash
  13. Grimgorn
  14. Nazgul
  15. Morgrim
  16. Thraxus
  17. Gor’ruk
  18. Skaldor
  19. Urgrak
  20. Brokthar
  21. Zandrag
  22. Skarrusk
  23. Tor’ghul
  24. Durzag
  25. Khrushnak
  26. Bruk’ka

Creative Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmok Bloodbane
  2. Hazak Blackthorn
  3. Gruk Brimstone
  4. Urgath Ironfist
  5. Thralak Doomhammer
  6. Zorgal Skullcrusher
  7. Belgrim Bonebreaker
  8. Garok Steelheart
  9. Borkul Shadowborn
  10. Kragar Blackskull
  11. Throk the Unyielding
  12. Drusk Bloodfang
  13. Dorgur Boulderback
  14. Graloth Swiftblade
  15. Uragar Stonebreaker
  16. Grommash Thunderhide
  17. Urthak Ironjaw
  18. Vragok Wargrim
  19. Griznak Shadowspear
  20. Skulrok Stormbringer
  21. Brugamir Warstrike
  22. Zarok the Defiant
  23. Grogmar Bloodspiller
  24. Brukka Half-Tusk
  25. Groshk the Savage
  26. Magaroth Skullsplitter
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Creepy Half-Orc names

  1. Gharaak Bloodfang
  2. Vorag the Cursed
  3. Skarn Doomhammer
  4. Lurk Shadowborn
  5. Zarok Blackthorn
  6. Razak the Revenant
  7. Drax the Defiler
  8. Grimm Skullsplitter
  9. Throkka the Tormentor
  10. Felgrimm the Despoiler
  11. Gorath the Gruesome
  12. Skullcrusher
  13. Vorkar the Vengeful
  14. Kraga the Malevolent
  15. Urzog the Unyielding
  16. Ragnok Nightshade
  17. Dranok Blackscar
  18. Grimjaw
  19. Krazgar the Wretched
  20. Gruul Bonecrusher
  21. Veska the Sinister
  22. Vargul the Deathstalker
  23. Zogrot the Damned
  24. Skullsplitter
  25. Zarog the Shattered
  26. Thulgrim Bloodhand

Cute Half-Orc names

  1. Kragash
  2. Grimmok
  3. Thragg
  4. Brutus
  5. Zug
  6. Skar
  7. Ulga
  8. Grok
  9. Grishnak
  10. Nokra
  11. Gromm
  12. Skullcrusher
  13. Thokk
  14. Snaga
  15. Urzug
  16. Slash
  17. Drok
  18. Gruk
  19. Thrax
  20. Narok
  21. Bruk
  22. Zarok
  23. Lug
  24. Skarn
  25. Krull
  26. Gaz

Edgy Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmok Bloodbane
  2. Razorfang Deathstrike
  3. Skullcrusher Blackthorn
  4. Bloodspike Warblade
  5. Thornlash Cinderscale
  6. Shadowgore Grimfang
  7. Blazefist Ironreaver
  8. Goretusk Blackheart
  9. Baneclaw Darktalon
  10. Doomhammer Grimstrike
  11. Vorag Bloodshard
  12. Nightshade Shadowtusk
  13. Scarscar Bonecrusher
  14. Dredgejaw Bloodbane
  15. Skullsplitter Ashbringer
  16. Bladedancer Ironfang
  17. Thornblade Blackthorn
  18. Deathbringer Warsong
  19. Grimshadow Doomreaver
  20. Ravenshadow Blackheart
  21. Bloodthorn Bonecrusher
  22. Ironjaw Grimstrike
  23. Skullcrusher Bloodfury
  24. Goreblade Shadowclaw
  25. Souldrainer Warbringer
  26. Blackslash Doombringer

Female Half-Orc names

  1. Grukka
  2. Thraga
  3. Orlukka
  4. Skarza
  5. Ragnara
  6. Drathra
  7. Urzka
  8. Grimsa
  9. Targoba
  10. Horka
  11. Brakka
  12. Gorlaga
  13. Vorka
  14. Kragda
  15. Harza
  16. Largak
  17. Thorka
  18. Ravna
  19. Morga
  20. Zagrak
  21. Durga
  22. Ugga
  23. Garrga
  24. Norga
  25. Snaraka
  26. Gamra

Funny Half-Orc names

  1. Garbunkle
  2. Smashface
  3. Gronk
  4. Grimtooth
  5. Tuskus
  6. Nogar the Nonsense
  7. Snotrock
  8. Thudgristle
  9. Gigglesmash
  10. Snortbelly
  11. Moronk
  12. Smash-n-Bash
  13. Bloodsnot
  14. Grumblegut
  15. Gnarlbark
  16. Gobsmack
  17. Thunk
  18. Bangfist
  19. Murkmar
  20. Zugzug
  21. Skullcrusher
  22. Muttonmuncher
  23. Buttgrinder
  24. Cragg
  25. Splattertooth
  26. Thudwhacker

Gangster Half-Orc names

  1. Grimshank
  2. Vex’Kor
  3. Bloodfist
  4. Razorjaw
  5. Skullsplitter
  6. Thornblade
  7. Blackheart
  8. Gorefang
  9. Silverback
  10. Nightshade
  11. Briarclaw
  12. Ironjaw
  13. Shadowstrike
  14. Firesnarl
  15. Worgbane
  16. Bloodaxe
  17. Skullcrusher
  18. Dreadmaw
  19. Whispersong
  20. Stonefist
  21. Raveneye
  22. Blackthorn
  23. Ragegut
  24. Duskblade
  25. Boulderbreaker
  26. Stormhammer

Good Half-Orc names

  1. Grommash
  2. Urak’hai
  3. Raknar
  4. Grimgar
  5. Tharok
  6. Gul’dan
  7. Skarrg
  8. Brutok
  9. Zoggrim
  10. Drakhon
  11. Gorgash
  12. Skalgar
  13. Mordush
  14. Azgrom
  15. Urukthar
  16. Zulgur
  17. Ragnok
  18. Grimmok
  19. Throkkar
  20. Gorrek
  21. Zargash
  22. Dorgarn
  23. Gonrok
  24. Vrushnak
  25. Kargol
  26. Skorgak

Great Half-Orc names

  1. Azog Bloodbane
  2. Grom Blackfist
  3. Skara Doomhammer
  4. Krag the Unbroken
  5. Urzog Grimtok
  6. Thokk Ironjaw
  7. Durgash Bloodskull
  8. Roktar One-Eye
  9. Hargor Battleborn
  10. Khazul the Ravager
  11. Brakka Fangtooth
  12. Shadok the Destroyer
  13. Ograk the Merciless
  14. Grukka Skullcrusher
  15. Gnash the Ruthless
  16. Urzulga Bonebreaker
  17. Bragok the Relentless
  18. Skarnok the Vicious
  19. Draxx the Axe
  20. Gorgrim Ironback
  21. Ragnok Goreblade
  22. Tharok the Berserker
  23. Ulfar Shadowclaw
  24. Narza the Cursed
  25. Drokka Underfoot
  26. Grommash Bonechewer
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Grunge Half-Orc names

  1. Grimmjaw
  2. Razortusk
  3. Skullcrusher
  4. Darkfire
  5. Stonebreaker
  6. Bloodfang
  7. Goregrinder
  8. Blackthorn
  9. Razorback
  10. Ironhide
  11. Deathbringer
  12. Dreadthorn
  13. Bonecrusher
  14. Scarface
  15. Shadowstrike
  16. Ashthorn
  17. Gutgrinder
  18. Blackjaw
  19. Skullsplitter
  20. Stormbringer
  21. Ragewalker
  22. Thornbark
  23. Rocksmasher
  24. Firespawn
  25. Thornblade
  26. Grimshadow

Male Half-Orc names

  1. Grommash Bloodfury
  2. Throk’Dak the Destroyer
  3. Morghul Ironhide
  4. Grul’kash Bonecrusher
  5. Drakkar Blackfang
  6. Harkul Doomhammer
  7. Gruk’kar Stonegaze
  8. Garroth Bladewalker
  9. Urgoth Thunderhoof
  10. Khargath Bloodaxe
  11. Rokar Steeljaw
  12. Thorgar Earthshaker
  13. Brugor Deathbringer
  14. Golmash Blackskull
  15. Ogrum the Ravager
  16. Drok’Nar Bloodaxe
  17. Kromm Skullsplitter
  18. Makkar Ironfist
  19. Grimgar Ashenhide
  20. Bruk’Thar the Devourer
  21. Throgg Bonecrusher
  22. Gronak SteelSkin
  23. Grimnar Stormrage
  24. Razgul Doombringer
  25. Skarrak Ironjaw
  26. Morgath Rockbreaker

Mythical Half-Orc names

  1. Grun’kar
  2. Throk’shak
  3. Zar’drek
  4. Urg’bu
  5. Drax’gar
  6. Skar’gul
  7. Rok’tar
  8. Lug’shok
  9. Thrash’nak
  10. Grim’mok
  11. Scorn’gosh
  12. Nar’loth
  13. Drog’har
  14. Gash’nar
  15. Zur’gul
  16. Bruk’thor
  17. Grak’tar
  18. Skul’thar
  19. Morg’bok
  20. Brak’sor
  21. Drak’gar
  22. Targ’khan
  23. Gorn’lok
  24. Vor’shar
  25. Dur’grom
  26. Skarn’or

New Half-Orc names

  1. Gromak Bloodfury
  2. Thorgar Stonebreaker
  3. Azog Skullcrusher
  4. Draka Fireheart
  5. Garrosh Ironhide
  6. Uruk Blackthorn
  7. Vorok Frostscale
  8. Zarok Bladecaller
  9. Dorok Wolfsbane
  10. Grukka Thunderstrike
  11. Sarknar Earthshaker
  12. Loktar Ironjaw
  13. Throkka Deathbringer
  14. Durak Bloodaxe
  15. Mogok Shadowseeker
  16. Razgar Stormfist
  17. Grukka Grimfang
  18. Skarnak Blacksteel
  19. Gorak Bonecrusher
  20. Sharaka Steelheart
  21. Urukha Fangtusk
  22. Zorgak Bladeshadow
  23. Morgoth Doomhammer
  24. Brukha Warbringer
  25. Durrok Frostbane
  26. Grakka Stonehand

One Word Half-Orc names

  1. Grommash
  2. Thragg
  3. Gralgar
  4. Margok
  5. Uthok
  6. Drakka
  7. Grokta
  8. Borka
  9. Zogar
  10. Ragnok
  11. Grimgnaw
  12. Gnarok
  13. Brutus
  14. Snarlgore
  15. Bolgrak
  16. Morgrash
  17. Thrakka
  18. Dakka
  19. Gorruk
  20. Blagg
  21. Trukka
  22. Hrothgar
  23. Grogg
  24. Snagga
  25. Grishnakh
  26. Grom

Half-Orc names FAQs