Welcome to our comprehensive guide on league usernames! Whether you’re a passionate League of Legends player or just curious about the various creative names that players come up with, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of over 400 league usernames that will surely inspire you or help you find the perfect name for your own gaming avatar. From witty puns to intimidating monikers, this diverse collection caters to all tastes and preferences.
One of the most important aspects of any online gaming experience is choosing a unique and memorable username. A great username not only reflects your personality but also leaves an impression on other players. It can be a daunting task to brainstorm an original name that hasn’t been taken, especially in a game with a player base as large as League of Legends. That’s why we have gathered a wide range of usernames in one place, making it easier for you to find inspiration or select one that catches your eye.
In this list, you’ll find a variety of themes and styles, ranging from cool and edgy to amusing and lighthearted. Whether you’re seeking a punny name related to your main champion, a reference to your favorite fictional character, or a combination of both, there’s something here for everyone. Additionally, we have included some distinguished usernames that professional players or well-known personalities in the League of Legends community have used, giving you a chance to adopt their iconic virtual identity.
Aesthetic league usernames
- ℳøønŁıghŧ
- Skywalker
Baddie league usernames
- SlayQueen420
- XxFatalFemmeXx
- RavageMistress
- ChaosQueen666
- VixenViper
- DarkPrincess98
- ShadowSiren
- LethalGoddess
- QueenOfSins
- SinisterSeductress
- RuthlessEnigma
- ViciousVamp
- WickedMistress
- RogueEmpress
- MisfitVixen
- EnchantressX
- RazorsharpBeauty
- ForbiddenFemme
- NightshadeDivine
- TwistedVixen
- RebelMaven
- ChaosEnchantress
- VampyricTempest
- CrimsonQueen
- PsychoSiren
Best league usernames
- ShadowSlayerX
- BrutalBane
- XxIceQueenxX
- DeadlySnipez
- ViciousViper
- PhantomAssassin
- RapidFire
- ZenMaster
- MysticNinja
- AlphaBeast
- IronFist
- LunaFrost
- StormBreaker
- SavageSorcerer
- DarkKnightmare
- RogueWarrior
- NovaBlaze
- PsychoSpark
- CrimsonShadow
- BlitzStorm
- MidnightHowler
- HexedWraith
- ChronoShifter
- ImmortalSoul
- SwiftStriker
- DoomBringer
Catchy league usernames
- PwnMaster69
- SlayingMachine
- ShadowGamerX
- DragonSlayer
- SniperNinja
- BlazeStorm
- FuriousFalcon
- IceQueen
- AlphaWolf
- ThunderBolt
- EnigmaWarrior
- RapidFire777
- MysticSorcerer
- StealthAssassin
- ElectricEagle
- CrimsonTide
- SavageBeast
- BloodMoon
- MarauderKing
- FlameFury
- JaggedEdge
- RazorSharp
- PhantomStriker
- IronFist
- SkullCrusher
- SilentKiller
Chill league usernames
- SᴜɴᴅᴀʏSᴇʀᴇɴɪᴛʏ
- ᴄᴏᴏʟᴄᴀᴛ
- ɢʟɪᴛᴛᴇʀᴛᴏᴋᴇɴ
- ᴠɪʙᴇsᴇᴇᴋᴇʀ
- Tʀᴀɪʟʙʟᴀᴢᴇ
- ᴄʜɪʟʟɴᴏᴏʙ
- WɪɴᴛᴇʀFɪzz
- ᴄᴏsᴍɪᴄᴋɪss
- ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴛʀɪx
- ʙʟᴜᴇsᴜᴇᴅᴇ
- ɴᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴᴀʟᴢᴏᴍʙɪᴇ
- ᴛʀᴀɴᴄᴇᴅᴇʟɪɢʜᴛ
- Fʀᴏsᴛʟᴀɴᴄᴇʀ
- ɢʟɪᴍᴍᴇʀɪɴɢCᴏʀᴇ
- sɪʟᴇɴᴛsɪʟᴠᴇʀ
- CᴏᴢᴢʏAɴɢᴇʟ
- WʜɪsᴘᴇʀɪɴɢWɪɴᴅ
- ᴠᴀᴘᴏʀᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ
- ᴄʜᴇᴇʀғᴜʟᴄᴏᴄᴏᴏɴ
- MᴀʀᴍᴀʟᴀᴅᴇHᴀᴢᴇ
- ʟᴏᴜɴɢɪɴɢLᴇᴏᴘᴀʀᴅ
- ᴛʀᴏᴩɪᴄᴀʟTʜᴜɴᴅᴇʀ
- ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍᴏғᴛʀᴀɴǫᴜɪʟɪᴛʏ
- ᴅʀɪꜰᴛɪɴɢSʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ
- ᴀᴜʀᴏʀᴀFʟᴜx
- ϙᴜɪᴇᴛSᴛᴏʀᴍ
Classy league usernames
- MonarchRuler
- LadyElegance
- EliteConnoisseur
- GentlemanKnight
- MajesticDuchess
- RefinedChampion
- NobleVirtuoso
- SophisticatedAce
- EtherealElite
- ElegantOracle
- TheExquisiteOne
- CaptivatingCount
- MagnificentMuse
- RegalProdigy
- CharmingSorcerer
- AristocraticEagle
- DapperDuchess
- PrestigiousPaladin
- GracefulSerenade
- CourteousCurator
- ImpeccableVixen
- GlamorousMarquess
- ExaltedEnchantress
- StylishWarrior
- GrandMasterpiece
- LuminousMaestro
Cool league usernames
- XxShadowNinja99xX
- D4rkDestroy3r
- MysticSorcerer
- SniperWolf
- CyberPunk7
- EnigmaMaster
- NeonBlade
- PsychoStriker
- RogueAssassin
- ViperQueen
- ApexPredator
- EternalGamer
- InfinityWarrior
- ThunderBolt87
- LunarEclipse
- StealthySniper
- DeathStroke
- NightmareHacker
- RapidFire007
- MadMaximus
- PhoenixFury
- BlazeBlood
- OutlawRebel
- VenomousVixen
- SavageSamurai
- AlphaWolf
Creative league usernames
- ShadowRider
- WinterWarrior
- ThunderStrike
- MysticMage
- NinjaAssassin
- FierceFlame
- DreamWeaver
- IceQueen
- RagingStorm
- CrimsonRose
- SwiftArrow
- SteelFist
- EmeraldEnchantress
- SilentShadow
- BlazeKnight
- SerpentSlayer
- PhantomPharaoh
- ChaosBringer
- ScarletSorcerer
- VenomousVixen
- BlitzBolt
- LunarWitch
- RubyReaper
- EtherealEmpress
- NeonNinja
- WhisperingWraith
Creepy league usernames
- ShadowStalker666
- PhantomReaper
- Nightmare_Slayer
- GraveyardGhoul
- SinisterWhisper
- SpectralSpecter
- CrypticCrawler
- BloodMoonWraith
- DreadedDarling
- EerieEnigma
- MacabreMistress
- GrimSpectacle
- BansheesBane
- OccultOmen
- MalevolentMarauder
- TerrorTemptress
- ChillingChantress
- SpookySorcerer
- HarrowingHarbinger
- DeadlyDoll
- WickedWarlock
- ZombieZephyr
- ApparitionAvenger
- HauntedHeat
- GhoulishGrimoire
- HellishHaunt
Cute league usernames
- FluffyPanda89
- PurpleDreamer
- SunnySmiles
- Berrylicious
- StarDustGazer
- HoneyBumblebee
- ButtercupAdventures
- KittyCuddles
- ChocoChipCutie
- BubblyBreeze
- LovebugPrincess
- WhiskersWonders
- AngelSweetheart
- PinkiePieLove
- TwinkleToes90
- SugarPlumFairy
- CupcakeMaster
- LuckyCharmMagic
- DreamyDaisy
- HeartHugsForever
- Gigglesnorts
- RainbowSunshine
- MysticMoonbeam
- Flower power
- FairyWhisperer
- SunflowerGoddess
Edgy league usernames
- Dea†hStr1k3r
- XxNιghτmαяεxX
- SøulShreddeℝ
- Bloođspell
- DαяkŠhadσω
- ViperBłade
- ScørchMαchine
- Lunαti¢Void
- ChαøsReαper
- GhσsтLεgεηd
- ƁlindKiller
- XтгємєŁєgєиd
- ИєтнєrShade
- ReνєngeFuєlєd
- ЅнαdøwŁυѕт
- ƁlαckØmen
- PхиιXßlood
- Đєа†hMчŦhяiʟʟ
- Иigнтмάreĸιℓℓeя
- XαиαxSlαyєя
- ЅkυllCяυshεя
- Bℓσσdĸιℓℓєя
- RєνєиgєØni
- GнσsтlγBαиε
- Nιghтмαяεєd
Female league usernames
- QueenGamingX
- SlayBabe
- BlitzkriegBanshee
- ShadowShifter
- MysticMermaid
- FierceFembot
- SerpentSiren
- EternalEnchantress
- PhoenixFury
- RogueReaper
- StarDustDiva
- ZenithZephyr
- SavageSpellslinger
- EmpressElektra
- AngelArcheress
- DazzlingDuchess
- RubyRampage
- ChromaCharm
- FrostFlare
- GalacticGoddess
- ViperValkyrie
- LethalLuna
- MoonlightMarauder
- CrimsonCarnage
- WarriorWoman
Funny league usernames
- SmurfMaster9000
- PoroPunter
- TiltedTeemo
- NoobSlayer69
- ChickenPotPie
- BronzeGod
- ZedInTheHead
- YasuoIntFeed
- SorakaBanana
- GrumpyGaren
- AnnieAreYouOK
- DunkMasterFizz
- JukesMcGee
- RivenTiltsMe
- BraumBeardLover
- DravenDaddy
- SneakySinged
- KarmaChameleon
- Blitzcrank69
- XerathTheDinosaur
- WukongGorilla
- GarenUltimateFan
- CorgiADC
- AhriGotYourTail
- ThreshPrince
- ViPunchesU
Gangster league usernames
- ShadowKiller
- ViperStrike
- Bloodshot
- SilentAssassin
- Mr. Moneybags
- IronFist
- Scarface
- DeadlyDagger
- MadDog
- TheEnforcer
- BlackWidow
- Bulletproof
- Smokin’Guns
- MidnightMarauder
- Kingpin
- GangstaGuru
- WickedThug
- MobsterBoss
- DiceyDon
- CrazyHatchet
- SlySniper
- RuthlessRascal
- KnuckleDuster
- PistolPete
- BadBoyBlade
- TriggerHappy
Good league usernames
- ShadowSlayerX
- XtremeGamer
- NinjaWarrior95
- MagicMage78
- DemonSoul666
- ChaosQueen
- SteelClaw
- PhantomStrike
- SavageSniper
- MysticEnigma
- DragonFury
- RogueAssassin
- CrystalStorm
- EmeraldGuardian
- DarkKnight7
- DeathDealer
- StormBringer
- SilentKiller
- ShadowWalker
- RapidFireX
- VoidDragon
- ArcaneSorcerer
- BattleAxeMaster
- FrostbiteQueen
- GuardianAngel
Great league usernames
- KillerSniper_007
- GamingWizard
- ShadowWarrior
- MaskedAssassin
- DragonSlayer
- ElectricJolt
- IronFist
- CrimsonNinja
- WarMachine
- RogueAgent
- ThunderBolt
- UndeadSlayer
- SilentDeath
- EliteGamer
- StealthySniper
- ViperStrike
- DarkKnight
- Doombringer
- InfernoBlaze
- PhantomGamer
- NeoWarrior
- BloodSorcerer
- ChronosGuardian
- DeathMachine
- ImmortalSpartan
- DivineReaper
Grunge league usernames
- ShadowChaos13
- RustyRebel666
- GrungyGoddess
- ScarredSoul
- WretchedDemon
- DirtyGrunger
- BrokenVortex
- ChaosTattoo
- CorrodedAngel
- AngstKing
- TornNirvana13
- GrittyGrrl
- RaggedRocker
- ShatteredHeart
- SmudgedSmile
- DisturbedDamsel
- WreckedWarrior
- GrungeGoblin
- ScarredSerenade
- DourDelusion
- GrimReverie
- JadedJunkie
- TatteredTom
- ShadyGuitarist
- DesolateDreamer
- LostSerenity
Male league usernames
- Ravage98
- ShadowStrike23
- XtremeGamer87
- DarkKnight24
- SavageSlayer63
- Thunderbolt91
- DragonSlayer99
- DeathStroke55
- SilentNinja77
- WarriorKing42
- PhoenixFire88
- Frostbite56
- SteelStorm69
- Assassin’sCreed03
- ReaperX47
- BladeMaster82
- DemonSpawn19
- SniperElite75
- BattleBeast96
- WolfPackLeader40
- MachineGunMerc77
- SamuraiSlicer23
- CyberPunk007
- AlphaWarrior69
- ShadowWalker88
- JuggernautX90
Mythical league usernames
- Solaxxius
- Xyphystria
- Zephyreon
- Elyndril
- AquariusX
- Mythios
- DracoFlare
- ChimeraStar
- Aetherion
- Medusara
- ValyrianWyrm
- PhoenixFury
- Griffindor
- Hydroscale
- LunaValkyrie
- NyxShadow
- Frostthorn
- Centaurion
- ManticoreX
- Zeraphic
- ChronosVortex
- Sirennia
- BasiliskEye
- PegasusWings
- KrakenHeart
- MercuryMoon
New league usernames
- ShadowBlade
- SavageSorcerer
- StormyNinja
- EmberQueen
- LethalAssassin
- FrostBite
- DemonicWarrior
- MidnightHuntress
- EternalWanderer
- SilentStriker
- PhantomSlayer
- BlazingArrow
- CosmicGuardian
- MysticOracle
- DuskReaper
- CrimsonFang
- ValiantKnight
- TidalWave
- RagingTempest
- DivineSorceress
- EnigmaMaster
- SteelHeart
- FieryDeath
- ShadowWalker
- PhantomBlade
One Word league usernames
- Shadowcaster
- Blazefury
- Silentstorm
- Bloodbane
- Skyseeker
- Deathstrike
- Flameheart
- Swiftblade
- Moonlight
- Ironclaw
- Spellweaver
- Azuremist
- Frostfang
- Stardust
- Emberflare
- Thunderstrike
- Crimsonwing
- Stormrider
- Whirlwind
- Shadowblade
- Twilightspark
- Dragonfury
- Venomstrike
- Scarletshade
- Silverleaf
- Runebearer
League Usernames FAQs
1. How can I come up with a unique League username?
Coming up with a unique League username requires some creativity and originality. Here are a few tips to help you create an original username:
- Combine words: Try combining different words or elements related to League of Legends, such as champions, abilities, or items. For example, “RiftMaster” or “ShadowBlade.”
- Use personal interests: Incorporate your hobbies, favorite characters, or interests outside of the game into your username. This can make it more unique and personalized. For instance, “GamerGoddess” or “AnimeJunkie.”
- Experiment with wordplay: Play around with puns, alliterations, or clever references to create a memorable username. For instance, “TeemoTroubler” or “LaneLion.”
- Avoid generic terms: Stay away from generic terms or numbers that are commonly used, such as “Gamer123” or “ProPlayer1”. These can make your username appear unoriginal.
2. Are there any requirements or restrictions when creating a League username?
Yes, there are certain requirements and restrictions when creating a League username. Here are a few important guidelines to keep in mind:
- Length limitations: Usernames must be between 3 and 16 characters in length.
- Allowed characters: Only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) and underscores (_) are allowed in usernames.
- No profanity or offensive terms: Riot Games has strict rules against using inappropriate language or offensive terms in usernames. Make sure your username follows their guidelines to avoid any restrictions or punishments.
- Avoid impersonation: Do not create a username that may impersonate another player, champion, or any recognized personality associated with League of Legends.
3. Can I change my League username after creating it?
Yes, you can change your League username after creating it. However, there are a few important things to note:
- Username changes require Riot Points (RP): In order to change your username, you’ll need to spend Riot Points, which are the in-game currency of League of Legends.
- Limited availability: You can change your username, but be aware that the availability of certain usernames might be limited. It’s always a good idea to check if your desired username is available before making any purchase.
- Be cautious with changes: Think carefully before changing your username, as frequent username changes may confuse your friends, teammates, or followers. It’s best to choose a name you’ll be satisfied with for the long term.