450+ Prince Names Ideas – Pick Your Favorite One

Are you searching for the perfect name for your little prince? Look no further! We have compiled a comprehensive list of over 400 prince names that are sure to inspire and delight. Whether you’re expecting a baby boy or simply exploring options for future character names, this list offers a wide array of choices.

Names have a significant impact on a person’s identity, and prince names exude a sense of regality, charm, and strength. From traditional names to more unique and modern monikers, there is something for everyone on this extensive list. Each name carries its own distinct meaning and cultural significance, adding depth and character to your little prince’s name.

Whether you are seeking a name with historical roots, mythological inspiration, or simply want something timeless and sophisticated, this collection has it all. From majestic monarchs of the past to fictional princes from beloved stories, there is a rich tapestry of names to choose from. Each name has been thoughtfully curated to ensure a sense of nobility and grace for your little one.

So, dive into this vast collection of prince names and let your imagination run wild. Whether you’re drawn to elegant and classic names or prefer something more whimsical and unique, this list is sure to have the perfect name that will befit your little prince and leave a lasting impression. Let the journey to finding the perfect prince name begin!

Aesthetic Prince Names

  1. Nyx ♕ Prince
  2. Vale ❂ Prince
  3. Erebus ♛ Prince
  4. Zephyr ♞ Prince
  5. Phoenix ✧ Prince
  6. Silverthorn ☽ Prince
  7. Aether ♔ Prince
  8. Onyx ❖ Prince
  9. Lucius ➳ Prince
  10. Ember ♚ Prince
  11. Solstice ☀ Prince
  12. Cosmos ♘ Prince
  13. Midnight ♛ Prince
  14. Orion ✵ Prince
  15. Solara ✺ Prince
  16. Raven ♞ Prince
  17. Astral ✶ Prince
  18. Oberon ♖ Prince
  19. Wolfbane ❂ Prince
  20. Draco ♛ Prince
  21. Stormbringer ✵ Prince
  22. Artemis ➳ Prince
  23. Obsidian ♞ Prince
  24. Inferno ♚ Prince
  25. Everest ☽ Prince
  26. Lunar ♔ Prince
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Baddie Prince Names

  1. Prince VØŁT
  2. Prince Xyrax
  3. Prince Ravÿn
  4. Prince Sįlverthorn
  5. Prince Drakøn
  6. Prince Shadowfyre
  7. Prince Viperstrike
  8. Prince Khaøs
  9. Prince Azurite
  10. Prince Obsidian
  11. Prince Zephyrøs
  12. Prince Fëndyr
  13. Prince Nëmësys
  14. Prince Ëbonheart
  15. Prince Thørnshade
  16. Prince Dëmønclaw
  17. Prince Scørpius
  18. Prince Välkyrie
  19. Prince Ashëmbørn
  20. Prince Nightstrike
  21. Prince Mørdrëd
  22. Prince Pyrøn
  23. Prince Vøødøø
  24. Prince Krýptic
  25. Prince Onÿx
  26. Prince Phantomfang

Best Prince Names

  1. PrinceCharming
  2. KingofHearts
  3. RoyalBlood
  4. RegalKnight
  5. ImperialPrince
  6. LordofThrones
  7. RoyalHighness
  8. MajesticRuler
  9. NoblePrince
  10. CrownedKing
  11. GallantMonarch
  12. PrinceEnigma
  13. SovereignPrince
  14. PrinceofDarkness
  15. RoyalRebel
  16. PrinceCharisma
  17. EnchantedPrince
  18. PrinceEthereal
  19. PrinceDazzle
  20. ThisIsMyKingdom
  21. PrinceDivine
  22. PrinceMystique
  23. NobleHeir
  24. PrinceEclipse
  25. EnigmaticMonarch
  26. CrimsonCrown

Catchy Prince Names

  1. Princ3Charm
  2. RegalKing
  3. MajesticPrince
  4. CrownJewel
  5. NobleBlood
  6. GoldenThrone
  7. SovereignPrince
  8. DashingMonarch
  9. RoyalGem
  10. PrinceCharming
  11. EnchantedCrown
  12. PrestigiousHeir
  13. SilverScepter
  14. GallantPrince
  15. KnightlyAllegiance
  16. ImperialRoyalty
  17. GloriousHeir
  18. RadiantCrown
  19. ChivalrousPrince
  20. EnigmaticMonarch
  21. UnforgettableThrone
  22. MagnificentNoble
  23. CharismaticHeir
  24. DynasticPrince
  25. ImpeccableBloodline
  26. ResplendentMonarch

Chill Prince Names

  1. FrostyPrince123
  2. ChillMaster$$
  3. IceKing96
  4. CoolDude_007
  5. SnowboundPrince
  6. SereneSovereign
  7. LaidbackLord
  8. ChillaxMonarch
  9. BlizzardPrince
  10. RelaxedRoyalty
  11. IcyCharm99
  12. SoothingSultan
  13. MellowMajesty
  14. GentleBreeze
  15. FrozenHearted
  16. TranquilThrone
  17. LeisurelyLiege
  18. CasualCzar
  19. ChillKnight
  20. EasygoingEmperor
  21. CoolCatPrince
  22. EternalZen
  23. LoungeLion
  24. ChilledOutRuler
  25. RelaxationRoyalty
  26. CarefreeCrown

Classy Prince Names

  1. Prince Maximilian
  2. Prince Sebastian
  3. Prince Nicholas
  4. Prince Alexander
  5. Prince Vincent
  6. Prince Gabriel
  7. Prince Theodore
  8. Prince Oliver
  9. Prince Matthias
  10. Prince Nathaniel
  11. Prince William
  12. Prince Benjamin
  13. Prince Christopher
  14. Prince Jonathan
  15. Prince Dominic
  16. Prince Edward
  17. Prince Hugo
  18. Prince Marcus
  19. Prince Adrian
  20. Prince Elijah
  21. Prince Daniel
  22. Prince Samuel
  23. Prince Charles
  24. Prince Henry
  25. Prince Frederick
  26. Prince Arthur

Cool Prince Names

  1. Prince Blaze
  2. Prince Xander
  3. Prince Orion
  4. Prince Axel
  5. Prince Jaxon
  6. Prince Zephyr
  7. Prince Dante
  8. Prince Magnus
  9. Prince Kairo
  10. Prince Rhyder
  11. Prince Zaire
  12. Prince Jagger
  13. Prince Soren
  14. Prince Nero
  15. Prince Eamon
  16. Prince Xavian
  17. Prince Maddox
  18. Prince Kellan
  19. Prince Zephyrus
  20. Prince Xiomar
  21. Prince Azrael
  22. Prince Kaelan
  23. Prince Xael
  24. Prince Kyan
  25. Prince Zedekiah
  26. Prince Xavior
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Creative Prince Names

  1. Prince Obsidian
  2. Prince Zephyr
  3. Prince Solstice
  4. Prince Midnight
  5. Prince Lumos
  6. Prince Eclipse
  7. Prince Draco
  8. Prince Orion
  9. Prince Nova
  10. Prince Furyx
  11. Prince Azrael
  12. Prince Xander
  13. Prince Aether
  14. Prince Ember
  15. Prince Jett
  16. Prince Ravyn
  17. Prince Phoenix
  18. Prince Axiom
  19. Prince Luxor
  20. Prince Venom
  21. Prince Cipher
  22. Prince Stormrider
  23. Prince Nexus
  24. Prince Vesper
  25. Prince Seraph
  26. Prince Glyph

Creepy Prince Names

  1. †Shadowthorn†
  2. PrinzNocturne
  3. SanguisRex
  4. LordMalum
  5. Marchosias
  6. Dreadborne
  7. Emberheart
  8. ObsidianCrowns
  9. Darkvenom
  10. Azaroth
  11. Nightshade
  12. LabyrinthEyes
  13. MortisRex
  14. Thornblood
  15. GrimoirePrince
  16. MidnightEmperor
  17. Shadowmourne
  18. BaronSinister
  19. Nyxar
  20. Bloodmoon
  21. EbonFang
  22. StygianCrown
  23. Duskfall
  24. SirRottingham
  25. GallowsKing
  26. Darklore

Cute Prince Names

  1. PrinceCharmz
  2. PrinceCuddlePaws
  3. PrinceFluffyTail
  4. PrinceSweetCheeks
  5. PrinceDimples
  6. PrinceSnuggleBunny
  7. PrinceCookieFace
  8. PrinceHoneyBear
  9. PrincePumpkinPie
  10. PrinceCupcake
  11. PrinceSugarPlum
  12. PrinceLoveBug
  13. PrinceButterflyKisses
  14. PrinceSquishyNose
  15. PrinceAngelHeart
  16. PrinceDreamyEyes
  17. PrinceSunshineBeams
  18. PrinceGiggles
  19. PrinceLittlePaws
  20. PrinceBerryCake
  21. PrinceRainbowSprinkles
  22. PrincePuffball
  23. PrinceCherub
  24. PrinceSparkleWhiskers
  25. PrinceCutiePumpkin
  26. PrinceBunnyHop

Edgy Prince Names

  1. Xërø
  2. Sylphrion
  3. Kaizerix
  4. Vyldren
  5. Ebonwrath
  6. Xymaric
  7. Zephyruz
  8. Daemonos
  9. Cypherix
  10. Ravynör
  11. Wyldfyre
  12. Skylark
  13. Væthøs
  14. Shadowfyre
  15. Thundervox
  16. Onyxus
  17. Vyndex
  18. Ashræth
  19. Kaizøs
  20. Xérüs
  21. Obsydïan
  22. Sîlvershade
  23. Maelstrom
  24. Phantasmir
  25. Sýndräs
  26. Darkhäven

Female Prince Names

  1. PrincessSeraphina
  2. QueenIsabella
  3. DuchessAmelia
  4. LadyEleanor
  5. CountessCharlotte
  6. BaronessVictoria
  7. EmpressEliza
  8. MarquessGenevieve
  9. ViscountessSophia
  10. ChiefPrincessAurora
  11. LadyDominique
  12. PrincessMadeline
  13. QueenRegina
  14. DuchessValentina
  15. CountessJuliette
  16. BaronessIsadora
  17. EmpressGeneva
  18. MarquessCatalina
  19. ViscountessSerena
  20. ChiefPrincessCeleste
  21. LadyGabrielle
  22. PrincessAnastasia
  23. QueenOctavia
  24. DuchessArabella
  25. CountessAdelaide
  26. BaronessAmara

Funny Prince Names

  1. Sir Prancelot
  2. The Purple Prodigy
  3. The Funky Prince
  4. Prince Ticklesalot
  5. His Royal Quirkiness
  6. Prince Charmingpants
  7. The Reigning Jester
  8. Prince Wacky McWhiskers
  9. The Groovy Highness
  10. Prince Punny Pants
  11. The Majestic Mirthmaker
  12. Prince Silly Goose
  13. The Quirky King
  14. Prince Haha Hilarious
  15. The Royal Prankster
  16. Prince Goofball
  17. The Laughing Legend
  18. Prince Chucklechops
  19. The Jolly Monarch
  20. Prince Gigglesaurus
  21. The Whimsical Highness
  22. Prince Laughterpants
  23. The Merry Monarch
  24. Prince Jestertoes
  25. The Hilarious Heir
  26. Prince SmartyPants

Gangster Prince Names

  1. KingpinX
  2. DonVito
  3. SlickRick
  4. Scarface
  5. BloodThorn
  6. ShadowHand
  7. ViperKing
  8. Bulletproof
  9. GangstaBoss
  10. BlackWidow
  11. MadDog
  12. PistolPete
  13. BladeRunner
  14. IronFist
  15. SavageSoul
  16. DeathStroke
  17. BlackJack
  18. TheEnforcer
  19. CrimsonCrown
  20. JokerFace
  21. ShadowBladeX
  22. RuthlessRico
  23. SnakeEyes
  24. MafiaDuke
  25. GoldenGangster
  26. RebelPrince

Good Prince Names

  1. Prince Alexander
  2. Prince Sebastian
  3. Prince Gabriel
  4. Prince Maximilian
  5. Prince Nikolai
  6. Prince Leopold
  7. Prince Felix
  8. Prince Lucien
  9. Prince Adrian
  10. Prince Hugo
  11. Prince Atticus
  12. Prince Caspian
  13. Prince Theodore
  14. Prince Xavier
  15. Prince Dante
  16. Prince Orlando
  17. Prince Tristan
  18. Prince Julian
  19. Prince Cyrus
  20. Prince Sterling
  21. Prince Augustus
  22. Prince Darius
  23. Prince Maximus
  24. Prince Valentin
  25. Prince Asher
  26. Prince Zephyr
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Great Prince Names

  1. Azrael Prince
  2. Valerian Prince
  3. Xander Prince
  4. Zephyr Prince
  5. Jaxon Prince
  6. Maximus Prince
  7. Khaleesi Prince
  8. Zander Prince
  9. Alistair Prince
  10. Apollo Prince
  11. Caspian Prince
  12. Darius Prince
  13. Emperor Prince
  14. Felix Prince
  15. Gideon Prince
  16. Hendrix Prince
  17. Icarus Prince
  18. Jareth Prince
  19. Kairos Prince
  20. Lysander Prince
  21. Magnus Prince
  22. Nikolai Prince
  23. Orion Prince
  24. Phoenix Prince
  25. Quentin Prince
  26. Ryder Prince

Grunge Prince Names

  1. XfadeDeth
  2. BleedLove
  3. RustRage
  4. SoulShatter
  5. GloomPrincex
  6. DuskWraith
  7. ScarletReign
  8. ShadowThorn
  9. VoidHeart
  10. RavageFury
  11. DeadlyDagger
  12. ObsidianSorrow
  13. WickedTalon
  14. DreadVoid
  15. VioletBlood
  16. EchoesofPain
  17. ShatteredDreamer
  18. BlackRose
  19. DesolateScream
  20. BruisedSoul
  21. AshenWhisper
  22. HauntedEyes
  23. RebelHeart
  24. ChaosSerpent
  25. StormCrow
  26. GrimDarkness

Male Prince Names

  1. Alexander
  2. Maximilian
  3. Theodore
  4. Harrison
  5. Nicholas
  6. Gabriel
  7. Sebastian
  8. Atticus
  9. Julian
  10. Phoenix
  11. Adrian
  12. Valentine
  13. Leonidas
  14. Oliver
  15. Finnegan
  16. Ezekiel
  17. Matthias
  18. Dorian
  19. Aurelius
  20. Raphael
  21. Lucius
  22. Cassius
  23. Augustus
  24. Declan
  25. Orion
  26. Lysander

Mythical Prince Names

  1. Prince Zephyrus
  2. Prince Orion
  3. Prince Draco
  4. Prince Aurelius
  5. Prince Ignatius
  6. Prince Oberon
  7. Prince Atlas
  8. Prince Aether
  9. Prince Lycaon
  10. Prince Erebus
  11. Prince Perseus
  12. Prince Phoenix
  13. Prince Thorin
  14. Prince Valerius
  15. Prince Leander
  16. Prince Alistair
  17. Prince Caelum
  18. Prince Magnus
  19. Prince Caspian
  20. Prince Solarius
  21. Prince Leolin
  22. Prince Seraphim
  23. Prince Dracocean
  24. Prince Orionyx
  25. Prince Zephyrion
  26. Prince Aetherion

New Prince Names

  1. Prince Zephyr
  2. Prince Phoenix
  3. Prince Seraphim
  4. Prince Orion
  5. Prince Hyperion
  6. Prince Draco
  7. Prince Nebula
  8. Prince Solstice
  9. Prince Eclipse
  10. Prince Atlas
  11. Prince Vega
  12. Prince Promethean
  13. Prince Caelum
  14. Prince Lyric
  15. Prince Azrael
  16. Prince Vanguard
  17. Prince Excalibur
  18. Prince Nyx
  19. Prince Maximus
  20. Prince Nemesis
  21. Prince Aether
  22. Prince Elysian
  23. Prince Valiant
  24. Prince Jett
  25. Prince Xander
  26. Prince Rhapsody

One Word Prince Names

  1. King
  2. Royal
  3. Regal
  4. Monarch
  5. Emperor
  6. Noble
  7. Reign
  8. Crown
  9. Sovereign
  10. Ruler
  11. Prince
  12. Majesty
  13. Imperial
  14. Lord
  15. Majestic
  16. Supreme
  17. Glorious
  18. Magnificent
  19. Eminent
  20. Dynasty
  21. Dignified
  22. Exalted
  23. Grand
  24. Knight
  25. Potentate

Prince Names FAQs